After 14 years of offering our EMF shielding products, and being the first-ever products of their kind on the market, we have been asked many times over the years for independent test results proving they work. And for 14 years we have answered the same exact way. So it is long overdue that we address this issue officially. Please note that we can prove all of the facts in this article, and we are not saying anything bad about our competitors’ products, because in many cases they use the same exact EMF shielding materials inside their products as we do. However, we do have some features that make our products better, like the patented multi-directional shielding of our HARApad Edge.
First off, we are not your “average Joes” developing and testing our EMF protection products. Our three co-founders have 6 engineering degrees between them, including 3 undergraduate degrees in mechanical engineering and a Master’s degree in BioMedical Engineering. We also have over 40 years of combined experience in mechanical engineering, test engineering, and product development. But that still doesn’t mean you should just take our word for everything, so let me back up 14 years to the year 2007.
When I first personally conceived of these products and tried to block EMF from a laptop, the first thing I did was purchase and test some lead sheets. I figured that since lead vests were used to shield from an X-ray machine, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation, it was an obvious thing to try first. I quickly learned that lead is excellent for shielding ionizing radiation but did nothing to shield EMF from a laptop (non-ionizing radiation). So I went back to the drawing board.
After a lot more research and testing, I found the materials that DO work for shielding EMF (laptop radiation, cell phone radiation, 5G, wi-fi radiation, etc). These are the materials that we (and our competitors) are still using today. We have found new and better options over the years, but the idea is the same. So back to the topic of this article, and a few things you need to understand about ALL EMF protection products.
First off, we (HARApad and our competitors) do NOT create the EMF shielding materials inside our products ourselves. These materials were designed and manufactured for this exact purpose. They are expensive and effective materials. For example, one of the many materials we use was originally developed for the military and shielding against electromagnetic interference in fighter jets. We actually purchase this material and process it even further to optimize its effectiveness in shielding electromagnetic fields. Since we are all using the same materials for their intended purposes, of course, we are all going to have positive test results.
These positive test results are evident in some of our competitors’ published independent testing. Because of the laboratory testing, they make claims that their products are 99.999% effective, but that statement is very misleading. They don’t clarify that this only applies to EMF coming off the bottom of the laptops and directed downwards. What about the EMF coming off the top, front, and sides? There is literally zero protection from these emissions! Their products are still useful, but the 99.999% claims are very misleading. We would never make these claims, and this is also why we developed our HARApad Edge.
Additionally, look at the testing equipment in the table provided in their test reports. They list all of the equipment used in the testing. Do you see a laptop computer listed anywhere? Do you see a cell phone listed? What if a “signal generator” has different EMF emissions than a laptop computer playing a Netflix movie? Why weren’t the tests done with the actual realistic devices we care about? The point is, all engineers know that unrealistic testing creates unrealistic results.

Since we do not see the need to do this same kind of unrealistic testing and show misleading results, what is our theory on testing? Well, we have been testing these products for 14 years ourselves, but we would NOT expect you to take our word for it! We encourage and help our customers to do their own testing all the time. We have even given away testing meters (called gaussmeters) for free so the customers can do realistic testing of our products themselves (with their own electronic devices). Further, we have many different resellers of our products. Each one of these distributor partners, who are experts in EMF shielding, has thoroughly tested our products before agreeing to offer them to their audiences. We’d be happy to refer you to these expert partners of ours, just ask! If you want a free gaussmeter with your purchase, just ask!
We hope that all of these proven facts help to assuage your concerns, but if not please stay tuned for our series of testing videos where we show our test results in real-time! We are also working on a blog article and videos showing exactly how to do this testing yourself.